TshirtBack1.jpgSince joining Scienceblogs about 8 months ago, I have been amazed and gratified by the readership, and particularly the commentariat. Although the opportunity to reach a larger audience was the major driver in taking this step, I have been finding that you all are even more vigorous discussants than I would have expected. Discussants with a diversity of excellent and informed viewpoints which I find provide me with much interesting information and valuable insight.
For that I thank you.

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ScienceBlogs has created a special blog focused on the US elections this fall. A Vote for Science

is a group blog that will focus on the candidates’ science policies. It is managed by many interested ScienceBloggers, as well as guest blogger Ivan Oelrich of the Federation of American Scientists.

It will be new and exciting for the Borg bloggers to finally discuss the intersection of politics with our varied scientific issues!
….. …….
/wipes eyes
You may find YHN posting an entry or two.