Now this is interesting. VeloNews is reporting that Lance Armstrong is coming out of retirement to race the big races again next year.

Lance Armstrong will come out of retirement next year to compete in five road races with the Astana team, according to sources familiar with the developing situation.
Armstrong, who turns 37 this month, will compete in the Amgen Tour of California, Paris-Nice, the Tour de Georgia, the Dauphine-Libere and the Tour de France — and will race for no salary or bonuses, the sources, who asked to remain anonymous, told

Interesting sporting angle, what’s all this about the doping, DM?

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One of the favorite timewasters of authors and grant applicants alike is the discussion of who the people writing the reviews were and the obligatory questioning their scientific accomplishments, reading comprehension, acumen and parentage. Done right, this can be a harmless venting of spleen that is necessary before grappling with one’s response to the substantive criticisms that have been advanced.
I was shooting the breeze with a colleague the other day and we were chuckling over the hilarious cases we’d run across where we had certain knowledge that the complainer was on the wrong track. They added up. All of a sudden it isn’t quite so funny anymore.

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