A thought on blog reading etiquette, Dear Readers

September 16, 2008

Since many of our current readers seem to think that we are a much B(er)SD blog than we actually are (see here and here if you really like PageView swingage), I will remind them that a very short time ago we were blogging at drugmonkey.wordpress.com and likely pulling in fewer visitors than many of you (who blog) are pulling in now.
I commented on a recent post at Working the BENCH recently, leading to much interesting discussion. (As always, you peeps are the best commenters EVAH!)
Trouble is, the discussion was entirely over here and not at Working the BENCH. My bad, your bad, our bad.

Now I can’t tell you all what to do with your blog-reading time. Certainly I get the warm fuzzies from looking at pageview counts that anyone else does and I work to maintain interest in the readership and, especially, the commentariat. And I am not suggesting that I am a great citizen as a blog reader either. Frankly, I think some of the “insular” charges against blog-collectives like Sb have some merit and I find myself falling into that lazy trap on occasion. What can I say? I liked the Sb blogs before I was invited to join and I still like them! So I don’t always get out as much as I should (luckily, PP rocks the gadfly thing for us, props d00d!).
So I will….suggest. Suggest that once in a while if you find yourself rocking the conversation arising from link love, you stroll on over to the OP and give the blogger some comment love.

No Responses Yet to “A thought on blog reading etiquette, Dear Readers”

  1. Becca Says:

    I was so afraid this was a reference to the “Dear trainees” playground games.
    I’m relieved you’re telling me to improve my etiquette in a way in which I am pleased to oblige.


  2. PhysioProf Says:

    I do a fuckload of commenting at non-SB blogs. That is because I am an extraordinarily polite person.


  3. Nat Says:

    PP speaketh the truth.
    Those of you who whine about his choice of words may not believe it, but it’s true.


  4. jonathan Says:

    Thanks for the linkback DM! Appreciate the ‘props’ (? if that’s the correct usage of ‘props’, i’m not sure…) . In any case, I’m not too particular about where my own comments end up – or others for that matter – I was just happy to see the feedback. /hatsoff


  5. CC Says:

    I dunno — it has always seemed discourteous to me to follow a link into some blog I’ve never read, flame away, and never come back. (When a blog where I’m one of the regulars gets hit by an invasion like that, I always find it annoying.)
    I’ll comment there if there’s some useful information I can provide, but wouldn’t usually leave comments like the (misguided, apparently) ones I made here on Jonathan’s story. Not unless it’s already a free-fire zone.


  6. DrugMonkey Says:

    it has always seemed discourteous to me to follow a link into some blog I’ve never read, flame away, and never come back. (When a blog where I’m one of the regulars gets hit by an invasion like that, I always find it annoying.)
    CC, speaking from my prior perspective as a very low-profile blogger I’d say that bloggers nearly always welcome on-topic comment even if the person doesn’t stick around for the discussion. Ok, check that. speaking from my perspective as a blogger, period. Comments are blogger crack.


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