scicurious joins Neurotopia (version 2.0)!

September 9, 2008

My first reaction on hearing that SciMonkbling Evil Monkey had signed up a co-blogger was “Did you vet properly?” I mean, geez, you all know what can happen when you fail to properly vet the person who will be sharing the stage with you!
I was much relieved to see he selected scicurious, previously of Neurotic Physiology. I had been planning to do a Blogrolling post on this blog but I guess now I don’t get to do that. For those of you who are not familiar, scicurious is:

a graduate student in Physiology and Pharmacology… In my free time, I am a nerd, a geek, and a dork.

First off, my reaction: Yay!!! More drug blogging! Excellent!
Welcome aboard, scicurious!

Oh, and for those of you who aren’t familiar with Neurotopia (version 2.0) because Evil Monkey has been busy with real world biz lately, there are some good posts on struggling onward with an academic career after a few setbacks of late. [Don’t worry though. He’s still quite Evil]

No Responses Yet to “scicurious joins Neurotopia (version 2.0)!”

  1. PhysioProf Says:

    You’re lucky to have me, you fucking DoucheMonkey!


  2. DrugMonkey Says:

    Yes, yes I am, you insouciant wackanut!


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