Okay, with Stage 13 on the books, where are we with the doping cases? Well, first we had Manuel Beltrán nailed for erythropoietin (EPO); his team Liquigas pulled him out of the Tour and suspended him. Next up was Moisés Dueñas as the second rider with a “non-negative test” for EPO. Number three is Riccardo Riccó, also nailed on suspicion of EPO.
Here is where it gets interesting.

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Bookshelf: Beautiful Boy

July 18, 2008

You’ve likely seen copies of David Sheff‘s memoir Beautiful Boy at Starbucks, your local bookstore, the library and reviewed in your paper. It is becoming a bit of a phenomenon.
I picked up a copy of this a couple of months ago at my local bookstore. The book is about a father’s discussion of dealing with the drug addiction of his son. As you might imagine DearReader, YHN was intrigued.
As an initial warning, there may be spoilers ahead in the post or following discussion. So if you worry about that sort of thing, don’t read below the fold. Also, this isn’t a review, as such, just an invitation to discuss the book.

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