Zen, Zen, Zen. Oh, Zen. On The Third Reviewer:

My position: Anonymity doesn’t improve things (see here and here).

Yeah, it does. And the proof is in the pudding proof of the pudding lies in the eating. We’ve been through the evidence before. More comments and more vigorous exchanges on sites which permit anonymous commenting. Sites which do not remain mired in low-traffic land with a limited group of participants trading puns and pictures of their cats.

Has science become that much like the mob?
Are we as a group that thin-skinned, petty and vindictive that we’re going to put out a hit someone’s grant or whack another scientist’s pub because they didn’t think we used the right statistical test?
And if the answer is yes, we should start asking ourselves why that bad behaviour is tolerated, and how we can get rid of it.

Anyone spot the error of logic here?

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Zen, Zen, Zen. Oh, Zen. On The Third Reviewer:

My position: Anonymity doesn’t improve things (see here and here).

Yeah, it does. And the proof is in the pudding proof of the pudding lies in the eating. We’ve been through the evidence before. More comments and more vigorous exchanges on sites which permit anonymous commenting. Sites which do not remain mired in low-traffic land with a limited group of participants trading puns and pictures of their cats.

Has science become that much like the mob?
Are we as a group that thin-skinned, petty and vindictive that we’re going to put out a hit someone’s grant or whack another scientist’s pub because they didn’t think we used the right statistical test?
And if the answer is yes, we should start asking ourselves why that bad behaviour is tolerated, and how we can get rid of it.

Anyone spot the error of logic here?

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