October NIH grant deadlines pushed to "the November timeframe"

October 17, 2013

whatever that means. NOT-OD-14-002 was published today.

NIH is working to reestablish dates for grant and contract submissions, determine how to handle missed review meetings, and reschedule dates for training and other activities that were scheduled to occur during and immediately following the period of the government shutdown.

As of today, we can confirm that we will be rescheduling all October grant application submission deadlines to the November timeframe (specific dates to be announced in a future Notice). By delaying due dates that occurred both during the lapse in funding and in the week following, applicants will have access to NIH staff and the help desks as they develop their applications.

Peer review meetings that were due to be held between October 1 and October 17 have been cancelled and are being rescheduled.

We expect the eRA Commons will be available for public access on Monday, October 21.

NIH will provide additional information, including a Notice on NIH operations during a continuing resolution, as soon as it is available.

12 Responses to “October NIH grant deadlines pushed to "the November timeframe"”

  1. DrLizzyMoore Says:

    A little slow here…but this would mean say my October 25th deadline would now land sometime in November??

    I don’t know why I’m feeling paranoid about getting screwed by the rulz….


  2. drugmonkey Says:

    I think this was intentionally vague. About all I can glean is that there will be no submission dates in Oct that are still valid. And the earliest they will open it up is Nov 1.

    but hey, your POs are back at work and you can just email or call them… 🙂


  3. meshugena313 Says:

    Note the present tense “applicants will have access … as they develop their applications”. Get busy, people! Take advantage of this weird opportunity to get an extra submission. I jumped on the chance and have been working on a new proposal that I wouldn’t have had in by Oct 5th.


  4. DrLizzyMoore Says:

    WWWHHHHAAAATTT????!!! That makes entirely too much sense for my deadline-oriented-teething-induced-lack-of-sleep-med-lecture-imbedded self right now…..officially on my to do list for first thing tomorrow morning.


  5. AK Says:

    Does this also mean that review meetings scheduled beyond 10/17 will take place as previously scheduled?


  6. DJMH Says:

    My hat is off to the NIH peeps, one of whom responded in 3 minutes to my non urgent email this morning. They must be digging out from a ton of unanswered frantic messages etc yet they are performing astonishingly well. YMMV of course.


  7. drugmonkey Says:

    I think we can assume that AK since the notice was so careful to mention the dates.


  8. AK Says:

    I hope so. My R01 renewal is in a 10/25 study section.


  9. I think this means SUBMISSIONS and not REVIEWS.


  10. Mikka Says:

    Do reviewers need eRA commons to download their allotted grants? I can imagine that the least forward-thinking reviewers didn’t download their material before the shutdown. My grant is on a 10/21 study section, and i would hate to get triaged because of lack of time. Or should all reviews have been completed before 10/1?

    Please excuse me if this is a silly question, i won’t pretend to know how the peer review system works.


  11. Grumble Says:

    Mikka, reviewers do need Commons to dowload their grants. I’m on an upcoming panel and the review officer encouraged all reviewers to download the applications and other materials before the anticipated shutdown (i.e., before 10/1). Yesterday, they sent another message saying that if a reviewer didn’t do that, the reviewer can ask the officer to send it by e-mail.

    My meeting is not for a couple of weeks. Unfortunately, 10/21 might be cutting it a bit close because written reviews are supposed to be submitted via Commons a few days before the meeting, and of course that won’t be possible because Commons won’t be up until 10/21. So your meeting might be one of the ones that gets postponed.


  12. Mikka Says:

    Aww man! Thanks for the info Grumble. Time for some strategizing. I do have new prelim data, but I’m afraid that the november date falls outside my ESI status.

    As if I needed another reason to hate republicans.


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