July 8, 2010

To the degree I’m gonna muse about the future of DrugMonkey at ScienceBlogs.com, I expect most of it will be at drugmonkey.wordpress.com.
(I’ll be honest, it feels a little odd to be inviting my new readers and commenters back to the old digs.)

10 Responses to “WWDMD?”

  1. Jon H Says:

    Can we see your etchings?


  2. DrugMonkey Says:



  3. Synchronium Says:

    Dude. Get your own domain and install wordpress on it.
    It’s like owning your house outright rather than renting somewhere and not being allowed to keep pets or put shelves up.


  4. Pascale Says:

    I found installing wordpress directly onto my own domain more challenging than I wanted. Instead, my wordpress.com blog sits on the front page of my domain via RSS. Folks can click from there to the blog. I have related materials on the domain, so they do have reasons to visit both the site and the blog.
    Of course, that’s my professional consulting site. My FWDAOTI site is still at blogspot.


  5. DrugMonkey Says:

    Synchronium, you analogy is off. It is more like whether you are in the mall right next door to the high-volume Macy’s or if you have a little hole in the wall shop on off-off-off-Mainstreet.


  6. Odyssey Says:

    I need a T-shirt with WWDMD on it.


  7. Synchronium Says:

    You’ve already moved out of the mall and set up shop in the run down, underdeveloped, underprivileged “wordpress” district just out of town. All the benefits of hosting a blog here at SB disappear when you host one on wordpress.com, so you may as well get your own domain.


  8. DrugMonkey Says:

    The fact that I’m doing the musing elsewhere does not mean I’ve decided to leave ScienceBlogs.


  9. Nat Says:

    Well, I’ll certainly follow your musings wherever you do decide to end up.
    Maybe I’ll even comment once in awhile.


  10. Synchronium Says:

    Oh, ok, fair enough. First sentence wasn’t 100% clear.
    Probably a cultural thing – you americans say some crazy things sometimes. 🙂


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