Bad Timing

February 9, 2012

One occasionally puts the pressure on to submit one’s paper on topic X with enough lead time to have a prayer of a decision just prior to submitting a grant proposal on X.

Unfortunately this may mean that the manuscript reviewers are busy trying to wrap up their own grant applications over the same timeframe.

Guess which job takes priority?


In other news, have you ever submitted a manuscript to a particular journal in the hopes that Associate Editor Jones who just so happens to be on a particular study section will see that it exists?

No Responses Yet to “Bad Timing”

  1. Joe Says:

    I just did that recently. I listed an assoc editor of the journal as a potential reviewer and he is on the panel that is reviewing my proposal. I would have sent it to that journal anyway. I got back a great review on the paper. I hope that he saw the manuscript, because I’ve got no other way of telling the panel members that I just got three papers accepted.
    I greatly miss the ability to send updates to accompany my NIH proposals.


  2. BikeMonkey Says:

    You can still update NIH grant proposals with news of newly accepted papers. Has to be in by 30 days prior and has to be submitted formally by your signing official.


  3. CD0 Says:

    Yes, most SRAs accept updates on newly accepted papers.

    However, I tried to update my application on Varmus’ “provocative questions” RFA with two new accepted manuscripts, and the SRA made clear that he would not accept anything, signed by an administrative official or the Pope himself.

    BTY, somebody should provide some information about the cost of this specific review process (for a total of 25 awards). From what I have heard, they are setting up a massive teleconference for the record Guiness…


  4. Grumble Says:

    So it’s OK to submit your paper to an editor who’s on your grant’s study section, but not to sit around trying to guess who reviewed your grant?


  5. So it’s OK to submit your paper to an editor who’s on your grant’s study section, but not to sit around trying to guess who reviewed your grant?

    Are you really this fucken oblivious? Both of these things are “OK”, in the sense of allowable. But the former is smart and the latter is stupid


  6. DM Says:

    When there are only a handful of AEs, the odds that your paper in a given area will at least cross the desk of a specific one (who handles that topic) are high. And my comment says nothing about trying to game out whether this person will like the paper or not. Just that this person is intended to be made aware a submittable manuscript exists.


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