Did I mention I enjoy learning more about the neurobiological and behavioral effects of recreational drugs as well as the development and treatment of addictions?

The College on Problems of Drug Dependence will be holding their annual meeting in Hollywood Florida this upcoming week. I’ve been going through the Itinerary Planner and Program Book to get a preview. There are a few presentations that touch on topics that we’ve blogged about here at the DrugMonkey blog, including

-treating the hyponatremia associated with MDMA-induced medical emergency

vaccination against drug abuse

exercise as a potential therapy for, or antidote against, stimulant drug addiction

-JWH-018 and other synthetic cannabinoid constituents of Spice/K2 and similar “incense” products

-some preclinical studies on mephedrone / 4-methylmethcathinone

-presentations from the DEA on scheduling actions that are in progress

I’m certainly looking forward to seeing a lot of interesting new data over the next week.

I wish to extend my warmest congratulations to our long term reader, annoyer of cobloggers, holder of feet to the fire and all around insightful and hilarious commenter becca who announced the successful defense of her dissertation today.

7 years…6 committee members…5 giant full lab notebooks…4 manuscripts/drafts…3 Thesis Advisors…2 grey hairs…1 PhD

You can tell from this and from the occasional details she posts in comments around the scientific blogs that it has not been an easy road. And yet she has persevered and succeeded in being awarded the Ph.D. for her work.

Congratulations, my friend.

Congratulations on all of your hard work, late nights and frustrating experiments.

I am very much looking forward to the tales of your next endeavors as a scientist.