Now #NatNetFAIL?

July 23, 2010

A Twitt from @drisis alerted me to this post over at Nature’s blog empire. In it, one Ian Brooks muses:

Do i fit in Nature Network anymore? Is it time to consolidate and “out” myself and find a new Network to join.

I don’t know. I haven’t been around here for so long, I don’t know how Nature Network is holding up; I’ve lost touch with this place and most of the bloggers here (which I’m very sad about). I know some of the regular bloggers are frustrated with The Rules and the dreadfully slow log ins (it took me almost 2 minutes from entering The Network URL to start writing this post. That is an utterly unacceptable lag time).

Sounds a bit familiar to those of us on the side of the pond, doesn’t it? A vague sense of discomfort. Loss of community. “Why am I here?” reflections. And a sense that the complaints are many and varied, even if any given issue does not affect every single person. A storm is abrewing at Nature Networks, make no mistake.

I also enjoyed the comments that emerged in the wake of Ian’s post. Recall the sorts of snootery mooted about by these NatNet folks about the tawdry interest of Sb bloggers in their….traffic? Not to mention their difficulties with our lack of civility? And accusations that there ‘just isn’t enough science at, wot, wot old chap’?

Well now they are irritated by the Science-only dictum, bridling against the limits on cursing, complaining about a perceived pusillanimity of NPG about the infamous English Libel law and demanding, DEMANDING I SAY, their traffix stats. STAT!

All there in the comments and original post. Heck, even Henry Gee (you remember SpittleFest, right?) is whining about how he feels sadly unwelcome after his (female as it happens) boss chastised him for pissing on her carpet posting a (no doubt hilarious) blog entry about rejecting a manuscript on his iPhone from the loo.

[sidebar: I love the fact you can reference comments at NatNet now, bang up job on that at least.]

Brooks has more opinionating on Nature Networks here.

Oh and final note, Ian? You are no PhysioProf.

11 Responses to “Now #NatNetFAIL?”

  1. El Picador Says:

    Sounds like more blog talent ripe for the plucking to me.


  2. Nat Says:

    That comment thread was awesome, and I don’t even know all the personalities that well.


  3. DrugMonkey Says:

    First juniorprof, now Nat? Who’ll be next to return from the dead?


  4. Yet further proof that ‘civility’ has many definitions:

    Oh pleez oh pleez I can haz see Isis choke to death on her own shoes.
    Posted by: Henry Gee Jul 20, 2010


  5. Nat Says:

    Geez, what a creep that dude is.

    And DM, I was alive the whole time, but I’ve been released from the twin vises of “1 infant + 1 preschooler” and “soul crushing commute.”


  6. juniorprof Says:

    Yeah, but has Nat started tweeting?


  7. AHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!! It’s so fucking hilarious when those watercress eating snifter snooters get peevish.


  8. *facepalm*

    am i the only one in the entire fucking universe who wants us all to (at the very least) respect each other?

    fucking hell, i wanna crawl under a floor tile and never come out.


  9. drugmonkey Says:

    Some of us express our respect in different ways Grrl. Are my continued references to the Sharks and the Jets and you being the Sb Juliet insufficiently broad hints?


  10. isisthescientist Says:

    It’s hard to respect anyone who wants you to choke on your shoes.


  11. DrugMonkey Says:

    Well sure they have Gee…but then we have Laden so it’s kind of a wash there…


  12. drugmonkey Says:

    Oh, *that* Ian Brooks…..


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