A bare double-handful of weeks post-assimilation I’ve struck a bit of a quandary with respect to readership. As expected, our traffic has jumped up quite a bit. A veeeery slow day around here matches some of our better days on WP. Nice that. But what with the recent transition and the increased traffic and whatnot, its a bit hard to tell much about “our” reader demographics. And yet we have reason to identify at least a couple of “our” readers.

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Lab Slavery

March 7, 2008

It may come as a surprise to some grad students and postdocs to find that the NIH strictly prohibits

labor obtained by any of the following methods: the recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, or obtaining of a person for labor or services, through the use of force, fraud, or coercion for the purpose of subjection to involuntary servitude, peonage, debt bondage, or slavery.

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Apologies DearReader, we’ve been slacking in our duties around here (writedit is, of course, up to date). The NIH “Enhancing Peer Review” website has the Final Draft of the NIH 2007-2008 Peer Review Self-Study available as a PDF. The NIH is furthermore soliciting comments on this draft, a final chance to get in your two cents on the various issues at hand.

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