Happy Thanksgiving Dear Reader

November 27, 2008

On this day of thanks, I am grateful to you Dear Reader, for stopping by to read. For those of you compelled to comment, I offer my specific thanks for without a conversation this blogging stuff would be far duller.
Another fond thanks to those of you who blog, both friends and foes alike. You reliably kick the discussions up notches and seldom fail to educate and inform me.
A special shout-out to the hardworking surgeons and nurses and other staff of the UCSD Hospital for fixing the broken femur of a well loved octogenarian clan matriarch on this Thanksgiving day.
To the Spawn who are my greatest joys, fears and hopes all wrapped up in the cutest of packages.
And especially. To the one who is much smarter than I, save that one time she agreed to marry me. To the clearly superior (and totally hot) parent, scientist, companion, daughter, granddaughter and friend who is my life and my love, I thank you.
Thank you all.

No Responses Yet to “Happy Thanksgiving Dear Reader”

  1. Happy Thanksgiving, motherfuckers!!


  2. kiwi Says:

    Happy thanksgiving DM, from one of the science spawn.


  3. juniorprof Says:

    A Happy Thanksgiving to you two dudes! And thanks to you both for the discussion starting, the fun and the advice…


  4. Happy Thanksgiving, dear friend.


  5. leigh Says:

    wow, a side of DM i’ve never seen before. happy thanksgiving.
    ps, speaking of conversation, you may enjoy a very recent post on my blog.


  6. ScienceWoman Says:

    Happy Thanksgiving!


  7. Dr. Feelgood Says:

    To DM and Comrade PhysioProf,
    Thanks for providing me a place to waste time when I should be writing papers or grants.
    Dr. F


  8. drdrA Says:

    Happy Thanksgiving DM!


  9. Nat Says:

    Hope you had relaxing Thanksgivings doodz!


  10. pinus Says:

    Happy thanksgiving DM and CPP.
    Maybe start posting less, I need to write another paper.


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