I blew it, here’s the version of 21st Century Cures that was passed by the House

December 1, 2016


I had the wrong version. Thanks to Jocelyn Kaiser of Science mag for alerting me.

The 21st Century Cures site is here and I think the right version of the bill is here in PDF form.

12 Responses to “I blew it, here’s the version of 21st Century Cures that was passed by the House”

  1. Pinko Punko Says:

    and it is probably a lot worse than the one in my RSS feed, right?


  2. drugmonkey Says:

    CAPSTONE is gone so that is a plus.


  3. David Says:

    I love that the fact sheet mentions $5.3B in spending and $5M in savings.

    [I’m all for more spending on this stuff, I just find the differences in the number of zeros funny.]


  4. clueless noob Says:

    Huh, so for LRP there is the increase in the annual award cap from $35k to $50k, but the act also gives the NIH director the option to scrap or replace any of the 5 current extramural LRP programs more or less at will.

    “The Director of the National Institutes of Health may eliminate one or more subcategories provided for in paragraph (1) due to changes in workforce or scientific needs related to biomedical research. The Director may establish other subcategory areas based on workforce and scientific priorities if the total number of subcategories does not exceed the number of subcategories listed in paragraph (1).”


  5. clueless noob Says:

    And check out section 2036: “IN GENERAL.—The Director of NIH may approve, after consideration of a proposal under paragraph (2)(A), requests by the national research institutes and centers, or program officers within the Office of the Director to engage in transactions other than a contract, grant, or cooperative agreement with respect to projects that carry out—
    (A) the Precision Medicine Initiative under section 498E; or (B) section 402(b)(7), except that not more than 50 percent of the funds available for a fiscal year through the Common Fund under section 402A(c)(1) for purposes of carrying out such section 402(b)(7) may be used to engage in such other transactions. ”

    I, for one, look forward to NIH’s new “dumptruck full of cash” award mechanism for the PMI.


  6. drugmonkey Says:

    Yeah, that “other transactions” clause really catches the eye, doesn’t it?


  7. drugmonkey Says:

    The definition says what it is not. Any summary about what the OT is?


  8. UCProf Says:

    It looks like this document defines what it is:

    Click to access 20151118-ot-award-policy-guide.pdf


  9. drugmonkey Says:

    Good find. As anticipated, it’s a way that Important People can get Serious Work Done without the pesky peer review process that keeps the riffraff in line.


  10. becca Says:

    Seems to me the imperfections from the bill in rich-getting-richer dynamics within academic science are less concerning than imperfections from the bill in the drug approval process, but it is complex legislation.


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