Always good to review Jay Smooth's advice on -ists

January 24, 2014

7 Responses to “Always good to review Jay Smooth's advice on -ists”

  1. I dunno, it isn’t my job (or anybody’s except maybe their parents) to fix -ists. I’m good with folks Peacing Out. It’s not like most -ists are going to change unless a huge amount of culture around them changes too. A lot of the yelling and peacing out strategy is so that other people know that -ism isn’t cool, not to actually fix the -ist.


  2. Who is that dude? He’s a pretty clear thinker and speaker.


  3. DrugMonkey Says:

    He is. Check out his other stuff.


  4. Jason Says:

    Note the constant use of the word ‘him’.

    That dude sounds racist.


  5. Jason Says:


    That dude sounds sexist.


  6. dsks Says:

    “I dunno, it isn’t my job (or anybody’s except maybe their parents) to fix -ists.”

    It’s rarely about fixing the proud-ists, so much as informing people who may not be consciously and actively -ist that something they’ve said is offensive and could be interpreted as -ist. I sorta agree that there isn’t much point in going toe-to-toe about the “You said…” thing with a guy that has a Swastika stamped on his forearm, but in most cases we’re talking about people who don’t self-identify as -ist, and who, if they have any dignity, should generally be thankful for being informed that something they said sounds -ist, particularly if is genuinely not representative of who they are.

    That said, sometimes a sudden silence from one’s audience, with side glances and shuffling of feet is sufficient enough to tell the offender that offside flag is up. Not that I’d know anything about that : But it’s nice to know these things, imho.


  7. olympiasepiriot Says:

    ” I sorta agree that there isn’t much point in going toe-to-toe about the “You said…” thing with a guy that has a Swastika stamped on his forearm,” (dsks above @ 7:52 am)

    Generally I’d also agree; but, I have had to have more than one of these discussions in my life when there’s a direct impact and I’m under attack. It is best to do so with an initially ambivalent audience and with a large dose of humor.

    Mr. Smooth is, indeed, quite smooth. His advice is also good just for those of us who like to do some sanity-self-checks about our own behaviour. Just ’cause I might be under attack in one context doesn’t mean I can’t be the asshole in another.


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