Thought of the day

August 21, 2013

The entire point of being an academic, science or otherwise, is to understand and evaluate different ways of thinking about something!!!!!

8 Responses to “Thought of the day”

  1. Neuro-conservative Says:

    Does not seem to apply to political thought.


  2. CS Says:

    And that is why I went into cognitive neuroscience — lots of thinking about different ways of thinking itself.


  3. DrugMonkey Says:

    N-c, that’s probably because you self identify as “conservative”. The other side does a better job of considering and evaluating multiple viewpoints.


  4. Neuro-conservative Says:

    Demonstrably false, DM. Most academics have never even seriously encountered conservative viewpoints, much less consider and evaluate them. Conversely, all conservatives in academia are, of necessity, thoroughly fluent in left/liberal thought.


  5. drugmonkey Says:

    Au contraire, my faux minority friend. Rather, lefty political academics are beset on all sides by conservative viewpoints, have considered them, viewed the data on the test we’ve had of them in the US ever since Reagan and rejected them for the clap trap they are.


  6. drugmonkey Says:

    Oh look, more conservative lies and misrepresentation of reality, evaluated!


  7. toto Says:

    Nonsense. Everybody knows that their own way of thinking about anything is the only one that’s worth “understanding”. Especially in academia.

    Personally I’m in academia because I want to understand how the damn thing I’m studying works. “Other ways of thinking” can certainly be useful, but they’re more a mean than the goal itself.


  8. Dave Says:

    Au contraire, my faux minority friend. Rather, lefty political academics are beset on all sides by conservative viewpoints, have considered them, viewed the data on the test we’ve had of them in the US ever since Reagan and rejected them for the clap trap they are.

    I concur.


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