Webcast on the FY2014 NIH Budget Hearing

May 16, 2013

Can be found here.

Lots of cheerleading and nice talk. Can they back it up in the actual budget fight?

8 Responses to “Webcast on the FY2014 NIH Budget Hearing”

  1. Dave Says:

    Connectome!!!!! Give me a fucking break.


  2. AcademicLurker Says:

    It’s starting to seem like the key to getting big funding is to have an ‘omics of your own.

    DM, you obviously need to establish the cutting edge new field of DrugMonkeyomics.


  3. Beaker Says:

    The size of the “complete” behaviorome is expanding continuously. We must start mapping it now, or we’ll never catch up!


  4. The way that federal budgets are arrived at with the rump of the Confederacy controlling the House of Representatives, these hearings don’t mean jacke fucken dicke.


  5. Drugmonkey Says:

    At one point the camera drew back and it was clear there were only ~4 Critters present.



  6. Beaker Says:

    CPP’s sentiment echos Senator Mikulski, who said she is “not worried about the other side of the isle.” She’s concerned about “the other side of the Dome.”


  7. Dave Says:

    Yeh this fell on deaf ears to be sure. Complete waste of time. The only thing that will “save” the NIH budget from further cuts/continued sequestration is the obvious movement away from austerity chat, as well as the dramatic improvements in the debt:GDP ratio. Basically, there is clearly no more immediate need for discretionary spending cuts, that is if one is concerned only with economics and not with playing politics.


  8. Beaker Says:

    I meant to write aisle…


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