Happy New Year

January 1, 2013

To all of my readers, the bloggers the I read and the Twitts with whom I chat…. Here’s wishing a very happy and productive 2013 to you and yours.

Best of luck to the job seekers and the grant supplicants, in particular. Fair winds to all the parents out there…may those of you with really young ones find some sleep. Happy dissertating to the late stage graduate students in the crowd and may all trainees publish a paper or three this year.

I’m not much for resolutions so I’m not prepared to offer any up…but I do have an interest is sustained behavioral change. I was able to improve in two target areas last year, one personal and one professional. The former is exercise related and was assisted by the Tweeperati- I may continue to rely upon you this year. The second target isn’t really blogable for obvious reasons but I hope to continue a slightly new approach to my work for the coming year.

I wish you all luck with your goals and resolutions and suggest that you seek online social support for any of them that require sustained behavioral change on your part.

Reinforcement works.

No Responses Yet to “Happy New Year”

  1. Odyssey Says:

    And a Happy New Year to you too DM. May all your grants be funded. Or at least enough of them.


  2. DrugMonkey Says:

    Happy New Year Od!!!


  3. Dr Becca Says:

    Back atcha, DM! Congrats on your 2012 successes…may they be doubled in 2013!


  4. DrugMonkey Says:

    Happy New Year Dr Becca, looking forward to your lab’s first few pubs.


  5. Comradde PhyioProffe Says:

    May all your grants be funded.

    Fucke thatte shitte!!!! EAT THE RICHE!!!!!!!


  6. proflikesubstance Says:

    I hope to continue a slightly new approach to my work for the coming year.

    Glamor mag publishing?


  7. DrugMonkey Says:

    CPP- very funnee

    PlS- very funnee

    Happy New Year to you both!!!!


  8. whimple Says:

    Survive and advance…


  9. Dave Says:

    Happy new year DM. Thanks for all your work on the blog and for all your advice.


  10. DrugMonkey Says:

    Happy New Year whimple!


  11. DrugMonkey Says:

    Glad you find it of value Dave and thanks for your continued commentary. Have a productive New Year!


  12. GAATTC Says:

    The second target isn’t really blogable for obvious reasons but I hope to continue a slightly new approach to my work for the coming year.

    For DM, that probably means 15 RO1 applications a year instead of 10..

    I’m sticking with 2 and will enjoy life until the ax falls.


  13. DrugMonkey Says:

    Happy New Year and continued success, Gattica!


  14. Zuska Says:

    Happy New Year, DM! May it be a healthy, productive, and fun one!


  15. Isis the Scientist Says:

    Great work thus far, DM. Now, lets see a run update….


  16. DrugMonkey Says:

    I *totally* ran yesterday Isis! And did not suffer any frostbite thanks to my Rockey Balboa style sweatshirt!


  17. Thanks for the blogging… may the new year bring us all more hilarity.


  18. I’ll believe it when I see it.


  19. running or hilarity?


  20. Heh. He’s got the hilarity on lock down.


  21. DrugMonkey Says:

    “Hilarity”? This blog is 100% serious business my friend.


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