Start your CV right now, noob grad

September 12, 2012

Some Tweep just gave me syncope.

If you are in graduate school or above, start your Full Monty CV.

Right now.

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  1. odyssey Says:

    And update it every time there’s something to add. Straight away.

    Syncope? I hope you were sitting down.


  2. […] morning on the twitter, there has been a discussion about CV's. What do you include, format, etc. DrugMonkey reacted to the conversation. And he's correct, of course. EVERYONE should have a long-form CV. That […]


  3. whimple Says:

    You should also prep your industry-directed 2-page max resume. This is difficult to do correctly and effectively so it’s better to get started right away. Statistically this is much more likely to bring you career value than your full-Monty CV.


  4. Genomic Repairman Says:

    I did this long ago and it has been a blessing. Every time I need a CV, I go back to the master form and slice and dice to trim it down to an appropriate length to submit.


  5. Scicurious Says:

    Exactly what GR said. Keep a master, and trim it for what you need.


  6. Busy Says:

    Another tidbit: get yourself a home page where you list your publications.


  7. Drugmonky Says:

    Why a “home page”? It isn’t necessary to make it public….


  8. Drugmonky Says:

    ….as a trainee I mean. Agreed Profs should have an *updated* publications list on their institutional website.


  9. anon Says:

    I have also followed some advice of keeping a ‘Professional Diary’, that maintains a yearly list of everything, absolutely everything I do professionally. Courses taught, departmental seminars given, invited/visiting talks, grant apps submitted (funded or not), undergrad theses supervised/committee work/completed, papers reviewed, editorships, papers submitted (accepted or not), conferences , journal clubs organized,community outreach like science fair judging. Lots of details that don’t belong on the CV, but gets requested by annual department review for example (e.g., how many grants submitted/funded, how many abstracts/papers submitted/accepted/presented, in a given year etc.) Helps me keep track on the flow of work as well.


  10. neuromusic Says:

    whimple makes a good point…
    except that if you are applying for an industry position, you better not keep one 2-pager that you re-submit everywhere.

    so, do as DM said and put together your “everything research” academic CV
    do a multi-page “non-academic” resume w/ lettuce, tomatoes, and everything on it. then, go back to this and trim the fat depending on the position you are applying for.

    I might start the “professional diary” that @anon 6:14 recommends


  11. Mickey Says:

    Is a 2-page resume still the standard these days? I know I’ve gotten interviews and offers in industry with my more “academic” looking CV. Granted this was before the meltdown, but I just assumed that the 2-pager was archaic.


  12. Busy Says:

    Why a “home page”? It isn’t necessary to make it public…as a trainee I mean. Agreed Profs should have an *updated* publications list on their institutional website.

    We have funds to send grad students to workshops. Where do we find said students? in web pages of their universities. If they don’t have a web page, we have no way of finding them.


  13. […] by not applying.” And while on the topic of applying for jobs, if you haven’t started a CV yet, what’s the hold up? Here’s a crash course primer to what should be included in your CV (hint: […]


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