I think hip-hop just had a significant thing happen

November 11, 2011


language NSFW, as you might expect.

I gotta say I have no idea WTF he’s talking about with the gay mafia thing, tho. anyone?

h/t: guanabee

No Responses Yet to “I think hip-hop just had a significant thing happen”

  1. gerty-z Says:

    wow. but yeah, the gay mafia thing is out there.


  2. becca Says:

    Yeah, the gay mafia thing has been out there since at least 98 or so. There were many jokes about how they would never deign to wear trenchcoats (there was also some implied oppression olympics about “you think YOU”VE been bullied?!” but, well, high school *shrug*)


  3. drugmonkey Says:

    Ok but mafia aside, is it not a big deal to have a hip-hop artist so nonchalant about people’s sexual orientation? This genre always had a distinct homophobic tendency in my day…but perhaps the culture had already evolved and I missed it…


  4. becca Says:

    “Ok but mafia aside, is it not a big deal to have a hip-hop artist so nonchalant about people’s sexual orientation?”
    Fat Joe is a Gen X’er, so yes, it is remarkable.


  5. Funky Fresh Says:

    Finally! Some industry where the Jews don’t control everything!


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