Blog collective

July 12, 2010

I put up what is possibly the trolliest title I’ve ever come up with over on Sb DrugMonkey today. I did want to talk about Big Mechanism grants and the mind space the scientist has to be in to consider them. As a Project Director anyway. (And no, I’m not currently considering being a PD or similar insanity, thank you.)

In the current upheaval of ScienceBlogs, however, I’m seeing a trend by which if people are thinking “blog collective” they are thinking inward toward their respective -ology domains.

The re-launch of geoblog Highly Allochthonous is a case in point. Notice the domain name “”? Gee, I wonder who they are intending to collectivize? Also see the genomesunzipped collective started by Daniel MacArthur who may or may not be closing his Sb shop (hasn’t said, so far as I know).

In this they follow the Deep Sea News folks who left, well, an age ago in internet time.

juniorprof jumped the gun over at my Sb post and suggested I should form a blog collective.

Well, well. I think a Drugmonkey-led collective would be pretty cool. NIH biz and neuroscience perhaps? A key point would be recruiting writedit (IMHO).

Yeah. I have no interest in doing any heavy lifting. No Program Director of Bloggy Collectives for me. I have to say though, from where I’m pondering now, the idea of a collective focused on my blog interests holds little appeal. Don’t get me wrong, I tend to haunt these kinds of blogs preferentially. Grant game, careerism, academia. And I do wish there were a few more substance abuse blogs focused on the research side. But those are not the only people I want to associate with in a blog collective. I love the breadth of ScienceBlogs. I was a reader long before I was a contributor. The approach (in addition to specific blogs) was the hook for me as a reader.

So I’d want a little bit of that liberal arts tradition in any collective that I could envision as being attractive.

11 Responses to “Blog collective”

  1. Chris Rowan Says:

    Notice the domain name β€œ”? Gee, I wonder who they are intending to collectivize?

    Or perhaps we really did want a route to our blog that didn’t rely on people spelling ‘allochthonous’ πŸ˜‰

    More seriously, we have no plans to collectivise anyone. Our thoughts are tending in slightly different direction…


  2. drugmonkey Says:

    Yeah, yeah I just like cracking wise about the name. And I don’t mean to make any judgments either. Blog tech can satisfy many goals and needs. I’m actually watching what everyone does with a lot of interest.


  3. arvind Says:

    We need an FWDAOTI collective fo shizzle though!


  4. drugmonkey Says:

    what makes you think there is not such a collective πŸ™‚


  5. Ed Yong Says:

    Isn’t “clique” the technical word? πŸ˜‰


  6. drugmonkey Says:

    “kleeque”. I have it on good authority.


  7. Hey DM,

    I’m planning to scale back my posts on Sb (research + a baby due in 7 weeks makes running two blogs at high volume simultaneously pretty unlikely), but no plans to close up shop totally in the near future.

    For what it’s worth, the Genomes Unzipped blog has been planned for a long time, and the Pepsico thing wasn’t an issue for me at all – so the timing is pure coincidence. πŸ™‚


  8. drugmonkey Says:

    Congrats on the impending arrival. If it is your first, belt in and hang on…


  9. Thanks! Yeah, it’s our first, so we’re doing our best to brace for impact…


  10. “I love the breadth of ScienceBlogs. I was a reader long before I was a contributor. The approach (in addition to specific blogs) was the hook for me as a reader.

    So I’d want a little bit of that liberal arts tradition in any collective that I could envision as being attractive.”

    Indeed. I feel that reading science and medicine blogs even before joining SB had already got me thinking more broadly and blogging with people from many different disciplines has really helped me see the common threads in our journey. Increasing the breadth with which I think about science, higher ed, life, and the liberal arts is the part of blogging and blogreading that I feel has made me a more-rounded academician (even if that is sacrilege on a MRU campus).

    Of course, a collective comprised of natural products pharmacologists wouldn’t exactly have the pull of one focused on neuroscience.


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