An exercise for my readers

March 15, 2010

Off the top of your head, when you think “science blog”, which specific blogs, collectives, aggregators, etc come to mind?
List up to 11 in the comments.
(I’ll moderate comments for a little while today to avoid contamination)

No Responses Yet to “An exercise for my readers”

  1. SR Says:

    DrugMonkey, Adventures in Ethics and Science, Pharyngula, Respectful Insolence, Scientific Misconduct Blog, Obesity Panacea


  2. JohnV Says:

    From (given the amount of non-science content, I don’t generally think of as a “science blog”, I know, I’m weird)
    gene expression
    effect measure
    respectful insolence
    white coat underground
    not exactly rocket science
    from other places:
    Jonathan Eisen’s tree of life (
    Steven Salzberg’s genomes evolution and pseudoscience (
    I’m not very adventurous in my blogospheric travels 😛


  3. becca Says:

    Individual (aside from monkey of the drug):
    *Pharyngula *NERS *On Becoming a Domestic and Laboratory Goddess *Neurotopia *Terra Sigillata *Blue lab coats *Bitesizebio *Bench Marks
    *Nature networks *science blogs *researchblogging


  4. Monisha Says:

    female science professor
    fat nutritionist
    obesity panacea
    isis (domestic/laboratory goddess)
    gene expression
    Adolescent risk behavior blog
    These are the ones that i read very regularly and also think of as ‘science blogs’.


  5. Cloud Says:

    The two that led me to all of the other science blogs I read with any frequency are:
    Female Science Professor (although that is more about “life in science” than “science”)
    In the Pipeline (by Derek Lowe)


  6. sardonicchemist Says:

    In addition to Scienceblogs:
    Science Based Medicine
    Marginal Revolution
    Bad Astronomy
    Cosmic Variance
    Those are the ones on the top of my head, anywho. I’m sure I read a lot more. I use Google Reader, so I don’t often pay attention to the names of the blogs once I subscribe.


  7. DrugMonkey Says:

    Here’s what I tend to think of..
    Cognitive Daily
    scicurious @ Neurotopia
    Tetrapod Zoology
    Medical Writing Editing & Grantsmanship
    Psychology Today blogs
    Not Exactly Rocket Science
    Deep Sea News
    Science-Based Medicine
    As with anyone else, my list is biased by *my* blog reading habits and also my perception of the question being asked. If I were trying to give someone a flavor of what I think of as the more serious or consistently science-focused type of blog, these come to mind.
    I look over this list and it doesn’t strike me as being “representative” of scienceblogging by any means, even given that it arises from my personal biases.


  8. Moses Says:

    Top-5. I check and read everyday. I also comment, on occasion (and if allowable), at those places:
    The Frontal Cortex
    The Primate Diaries
    John Hawks Anthropology
    The Panda’s Thumb
    Ones I read very frequently:
    Science-Based Medicine
    Living the Scientific Life
    The Clade
    Aggregators/publishers that I read sometimes:
    The Science Insider
    Live Science
    Science Daily
    New Scientist
    Public Library of Science
    Anyway, that’s more than 11 and there are, in fact, a lot, lot more… And, unlike most of the Internet surfers, I probably have more science blogs bookmarked than any other category… Even porn… 😉


  9. These are what I peruse regularly.
    Prof-Like Substance
    Prof in Training
    Mike The Mad Biologist
    Ambivalent Academic
    Janus Professor
    Some Lies


  10. sadpanda Says:

    Well a lot of “science blogs” are more like “blogs written by people who happen to be scientists etc.”
    With that in mind.
    Pharyngula (PZ Myers)
    Respectful Insolence (Orac)
    Loom (Carl Zimmer)
    NeuroLogica (Steven Novella)
    Science-Based Medicine
    Depleted Cranium (more of a skeptic blog) in general
    Other mentions: – a great collection of links of science, skeptical and other various sites. – A good resource of lectures and talks on various topics by different people.


  11. Kate from Iowa Says:

    I’ve actually got exactly 11 (right now) that come “immediately” to mind:
    Respectful Insolence
    White Coat Underground
    Terra Sigillata
    Thus Spake Zuska
    Greg Laden’s Blog
    Dr.Isis (too long a title!)
    Confessions…Librarian (too long too)
    Adventures in Ethics…(*sigh*)
    Mike the Mad…(yeah. Another long one.)


  12. In no particular order (and only stopping at 11 because those were the instructions):
    1. Female Science Professor
    2. Young Female Scientist
    3. Pharyngula
    4. Cosmic Variance
    5. Drugmonkey
    6. Not Exactly Rocket Science
    7. Urban Science Adventures
    8. Aetiology
    9. Terra Sigillata
    10. Blue Lab Coats
    11. On Being a Domestic and Laboratory Goddess
    Eleven just isn’t very many, is it?


  13. Chris P Says:

    Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference and Social Science
    These are the science ones I read.


  14. pelota Says:

    Isis the Scientist
    Fuckers with no legs


  15. Anonymous Says:

    scienceblogs, drugmonkey, femalescienceprofessor, professorintraining, natureblogs, proflikesubstance, drisis, ambivalentacademic


  16. perceval Says:
    Bad Astronomy
    Effect Measure
    Respectful Insolence
    Not exactly rocket science
    In the pipeline
    Neurologica – Steve Novella


  17. adagger Says:

    When I read the phrase “science blog” my first thought is blogs about doing science — discussions about the “tribe of science” as you call it and the lives of its practitioners. I’m sure that’s partly because those are the blogs that interest me most. Specific examples I would think of include this place, FSP, Zuska, Isis, Dr. Stemwedel, Professor in Training, Massimo (over at Exponential Book), Rudbeckia Hirta at Learning Curves, maybe Chad at Uncertain Principles.
    (These are by no means the only blogs I would count as “science blogs,” of course!)


  18. Anon Says:

    Blogs: Backreaction, Not even Wrong, Cosmic Variance, Cocktail Party Physics, The Frontal Cortex, Neurophilosophy, Candid Engineer in Academia, On Becoming a Domestic and Laboratory Goddess, Female Science Professor and of course DrugMonkey.
    ‘Collectives’: Discovery Blogs, Scienceblogs and Nature Network.
    Will be interesting to see what other people read!


  19. SurgPA Says:

    Obesity Panacea
    White Coat Underground
    Effect Measure
    The Science of Sport


  20. Namnezia Says:

    I’m surprised more of you don’t read “effect measure”, you should!
    My list (although it varies month to month):
    Effect Measure
    Not exactly rocket science
    Dr. Isis’
    Adventures in ethics, etc.
    Applied Statistics
    A blog around the clock
    FlowingData (maybe not quite sciency enough)
    The Loom
    Science Insider


  21. Missed this when you posted it. I didn’t read any blogs yesterday.
    Why 11?
    Tried not to read other comments. Mine are:
    White Coat Underground
    Respectful Insolence
    Adventures in Ethics and Science
    In The Pipeline
    Pharmagossip (I consider drug marketing to be science)
    Chemical Bilology
    Blue Lab Coats
    Female Science Professor
    Not Exactly Rocket Science


  22. cicely Says:

    Assuming you mean specifically from the ScienceBlogs, in alphabetic order, and leaving out about as many as are listed, because of the stated limit:
    2.Adventures in Ethics
    3.Dispatches from the Culture Wars
    5.Effect Measure
    6.Gene Expression
    9.Not Exactly Rocket Science
    11.Uncertain Principles


  23. Tim F Says:

    Sci writing:
    Carl Zimmer’s The Loom and Tom Levenson’s Inverse Square.
    Panda’s Thumb and Pharyngula.
    RealClimate of course.
    Great Beyond from Nature and ScienceNow
    I found this blog and follow various others (NERS, tetrapod zoology, neurotopia etc.) via the Peer Review RSS feed.


  24. Cherish Says:

    In no particular order, just the ones I read most often.
    1 – Uncertain Principles
    2 – Swans on Tea
    3 – Female Science Professor
    4 – Bad Astronomy
    5 – Cocktail Party Physics
    6 – The Mind of Dr. Pion
    7 – Thus Spake Zuska
    8 – Slacker Astronomy
    9 – Mommy/Prof
    10 – Flying Flux (so it’s an engineering blog…sue me)
    11 – Exponential Book
    Yeah, there’s a bit of a skew toward physics…


  25. Isis the Scientist Says:

    Aww! You people love me!!!
    Here are mine, in no particular order:
    1)Blue Lab Coats
    3)Ecce Medicus
    4)Candid Engineer
    6)Thoughtful Animal
    7) Dr Jekyll & Mrs Hyde
    9)Chemical Bilology
    11)Deep Sea News
    12) The Intersection
    I’m not listing DM because that douche didnt list me. Heh.


  26. ginger Says:

    In no order, biased by my gender, field, and rampant secular humanism:
    Effect Measure
    Whitecoat Underground
    A Blog Around the Clock
    Applied Statistics
    On Becoming a Domestic and Laboratory Goddess
    Terra Sig
    Adventures in Ethics and Science
    The Pump Handle (which cross-posts some with Effect Measure)


  27. davey Says:

    Real Climate
    Skeptical Science
    Open Mind
    Dr. Isis
    Respectful Insolence
    Uncertain Principles
    Bad Astronomy
    The Loom
    Highly Allochthonous
    Not Exactly Rocket Science


  28. Venkat Says:



  29. Rainee Says:

    1. Female Science Professor
    2. Young female scientist
    3. Living the scientific life
    4. Drugmonkey
    5. Abel Pharmboy
    6. Adventures in Science and Ethics
    7. Neurotopia
    8. Dot physics
    9. Obesity panacea
    10. White coat underground
    11. Scientific misconduct blog


  30. Lou Says:

    In the Pipeline
    Now, what was I doing?
    Tales of a Genomic Repairman
    Female Science Professor
    Young Female Scientist


  31. Nagisa Says:

    Bad Astronomy
    Language Log
    Science-Based Medicine


  32. PerrottiSanchez Says:

    Isis he Scientist


  33. Isabel Says:

    Hahah judging by these responses Kouper’s 11 choices were probably pretty representative, and number of blogs studied probably sufficient. You certainly wouldn’t know based on this thread that there were thousands of science blogs.
    What I can’t understand is how serious scientists can stand reading Lying Isis’ drivel. Really, doesn’t it get old? Or do you all also like to imagine you are princesses who can order everyone to worship you? After about age four it’s just not cute anymore. Must be a privilege thing, like the crippling, expensive footwear.


  34. DrugMonkey Says:

    Well, Isabel, I suppose the point here is not obvious to everyone.
    You certainly wouldn’t know based on this thread that there were thousands of science blogs.
    Exactly. Nor would you know this from Kouper’s paper. However, at least from this thread you come up with more than 11, even when you only get a couple of dozen readers of one specific blog, on one specific aggregation/collective to come up with their choices.
    Kouper could have improved her sampling just by sending an email around her campus’ general list serv or something like that.


  35. becca Says:

    Around this here campus, no one would ADMIT to reading science blogs on an email (email isn’t privacy protected!).


  36. Isabel Says:

    “Well, Isabel, I suppose the point here is not obvious to everyone. ”
    Well I was being silly, but I will concede there are more 1’s than I realized.
    How how many of those 1000’s are actually being read by non-scientists? That seemed to be one of the author’s questions. Especially if even scientists cluster their reading so much, so that even for scientists most science blogs are obscure?


  37. DrugMonkey Says:

    how many of those 1000’s are actually being read by non-scientists?
    agreed it is an important question. As I mentioned, first you have to get past the measurement of who is *reading*. Comments are, as I’ve claimed, something on the order of 5% or less of unique page views. De-lurking threads can pull out several-fold higher numbers of apparent readers than you would estimate from comments, btw. Whenever I’ve run polls, the response numbers are in considerable excess of the usual comment numbers but are still far less frequent than unique page-views.
    This latter, as typically measured (if i have it right) resets daily so asking about the long-tail of a post after the first day is tricky. Monthly rates may give an over-impression since some fraction of that audience comes back on a daily basis, every few days, etc.
    Over time, a careful reader (such as the blogger) can get an idea of how many people self-identify in comments as nonscientists. My impression supports the rough ratios identified in the de-lurker threads I’ve run twice now. So if I was trying to do this I’d start with those posts from various blogs (which Kouper did but apparently just from one blog? DM possibly? who knows?).
    Trouble is, there are all those page views from people who are not identified in any good way. Are they “readers”? Are they being impacted even if they only ever read that one post that they happened upon via Google search? When a post gets boing-boinged or linked in the NYT or buzzed up in some way..what is the random click and leave ratio versus the one-hit readers versus the bookmarkers? Hard to quantify…


  38. There is no evidence that the readers here cluster their reading in any way. Brother Drug asked for 11 blogs. The top 10-20 results are not surprising considering the amount of sharing of content and commenters on those blogs.


  39. Marc Says:

    In no particular order:
    Effect Measure
    Respectful Insolence
    The Primate Diaries
    Lab Goddess (Isis)
    Guilty Planet
    Causabon’s Book
    Tomorrow’s Table
    Applied Statistics
    Good Math, Bad Math


  40. Isabel Says:

    Well it is true isis that that evil widget on DM’s site has some sort of virus in it that causes it to relentlessly spit out links to your most vile posts, so you may have something there. Perhaps that is steering some traffic. (I’m struggling for an explanation here).
    Aww…thirteen little muffins! Isn’t that a baker’s dozen?


  41. Isabel Says:

    “Trouble is, there are all those page views from people who are not identified in any good way.”
    I guess I don’t know very much about how much information about viewers/readers/commenters blog owners have access to. It seems to vary.
    “.what is the random click and leave ratio versus the one-hit readers versus the bookmarkers? Hard to quantify…”
    Can you see, and record, the IP addresses? I know that you can tell when there is activity from a university, and I know that IP addresses can identify specific university departments as well as businesses. In the daytime at least might this not give you some very rough indication of your readership?
    Sorry for the stupid questions. Is there a FAQ somewhere?? 😉


  42. DrugMonkey Says:

    Even if one wanted to get serious about IP snooping there are lots of hits coming from local service providers. Even during daylight hours, yes. But even for those that you track back to the University level, could be a non scientist reading. An undergrad or staff member or, gasp, a Dean. I don’t see it as an easy way to tell anythng about scientst ratio in the audience


  43. Grant Says:

    In no particular order…
    Collectives: (where my blog is hosted)
    Nature Network
    Individual blogs:
    bioblog (
    science-based medicine
    Mind the Gap (Nature network)
    bioemphemera (scienceblogs)
    Mystery rays from outer space
    Adventures in Science and Ethics (scienceblogs)
    A very wide cast of others I visit less often,
    Code for life. I write it. I’m not cheating, it does come to mind when I think of science blogs 🙂 You never did say to exclude your own… 😉


  44. Isis the Scientist Says:

    Isabel, you’re obsessed. I very rarely see my own posts in the widget. Maybe, as DM previously suggests, it’s suggesting posts based on your reading habits. Clear your cookies, little muffin.


  45. Isabel Says:

    It’s all wiped clean every time I go on-line. That may have had some influence on the earlier “redneck” problem, but I fixed that long ago. It turned out my preferences had reverted to defaults. After about a week of clearing my cookies every time I finally stopped seeing that incredibly offensive post title every time I logged on to DM’s site, don’t know if it had anything to do with the changes. (If you had any class you would never have posted it in the first place, knowing full well how many of DM’s own readers would be hurt and offended).
    It seems the problem is that only a few bloggers are using the widget, and it only shows their posts.
    It’s showing you right now, for once an actually related post.
    * One a Day: Smiths Earrings (Sense of Fashion)
    * A survey on “science blogs” : DrugMonkey (this site)
    * Science blogs and public engagement with science: practices, challenges, and talking out of your ass : On Becoming a Domestic and Laboratory Goddess (this site)


  46. Isabel Says:

    Also, obviously you are not seeing the same links that I am seeing.


  47. Isis the Scientist Says:

    How many of DM’s own readers? It’s DM’s job to entertain his readers. Not mine.


  48. Isabel Says:

    I don’t think it’s his job to entertain anyone.
    And the conversation was started here by Bikemonkey, and you linked here to your post, which was a response to the conversation here.
    It was clearly offensive, and intended to be, and you should apologize and take it down.


  49. DrugMonkey Says:

    I don’t think it’s his job to entertain anyone.
    so long as we mean a certain colloquial nonspecific sense of “job”, what exactly is this if not entertainment in large part?


  50. Isabel Says:

    Well you said yourself that your main goal is ego gratification and persuading others to your point of view didn’t you? I guess you do need to keep people coming back to the site, but I don’t consider it just entertainment. Although it is more entertaining than most I guess, partially thanks to your fantastic commenters.
    And what does you keeping your readers interested have to do with anything anyway?
    You’re obviously just defending Isis.


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