Take Two: SfN Annual Meeting 2008

September 30, 2008

SfN 2006 Poster Session
Comments following my first gentle inquiry are very promising! So I’m going to take a shot at the meetup thing. Details after the fold.

Well actually no specific details yet, more like a series of things for you who are attending and are at least interested in blog-related socializing to consider.
First problem is the question of when? The meeting can be a busy time with limited opportunities for evening socializing. I haven’t really started thinking about my schedule much, yet but you, Dear Readers are high on the priority chart. So stay tuned and chime in your blockouts. Knowing the way things tend to go social-wise, I’m going to suggest a pre-dinner drinks time slot. Post-dinner perhaps if you all tend to have dinner obligations with the early-to-bed types. Put thoughts in the comments or email me.
Whether you want to meet other bloggers or not, I mentioned that I’d try to stop by the posters (or platform talks although that’s a bit more difficult) of anyone who cares to send me the presentation details.
CapTshirt1.jpgAbel suggested a meetup at the NIH booths wearing blog-logoed shirts. Yeah right! Moving along, a correspondent brought up the question of maintaining pseudonymity. I don’t really have any good answers for you there, sorry. If we had a couple of dozen people descending on a bar, well, you could easily just pretend to be some reader who never comments. Or heck, everyone claim to be Spartacus Comrade PhysioProf! (Prize to the most-convincing imitator?)
I suspect that it will be somewhat more intimate if we pull this together. Hard to have a conversation without your personality emerging, I fear. So we’ll just have to wing it. I will say that the real pros around science blogoland, veterans of many a reader meetup, suggest that the tone is always respectful of reader anonymity. I would, perhaps obviously, do what I can on that score. Feel free to email me with your concerns or suggestions.

No Responses Yet to “Take Two: SfN Annual Meeting 2008”

  1. scicurious Says:

    I’ll be there! I think I forgot to notify you in the last post. Drinks sounds good.


  2. pinus Says:

    I will be there, I have no clue when I am busy, so drinks whenever are cool by me.


  3. Andre Says:

    It would be nice for me if it were on the Sunday since I don’t plan on attending the meeting, but I would be into a DC visit/meet-up. Any time would work.


  4. DrugMonkey Says:

    great point, Andre! I was not thinking of locals I confess.


  5. If you see someone totally hot who claims to be an “anonymous reader and commenter,” it’s probably Dr. Isis.


  6. juniorprof Says:

    Sunday evening will work for me. It’d be nice to include Andre, and I’d certainly like to get a chance to chat with him about some of the cool stuff that he does and blogs about.


  7. PM Says:

    First problem is the question of when?


  8. TreeFish Says:

    I would prefer Sunday night…but Monday would work as well. I will be wearing leather buttless chaps– and salutating peeps as “Dr. Komrade PhysioProf…beeeeeeeeetch.”


  9. Ewan Says:

    Well, damn. The inconvenient fact of expecting a child that week (+/-) means that I’m not coming this year :). Someone drink for me…


  10. TreeFish Says:

    Done. Canadian Royal, anyone? Or, Macalan’s? It’s on TreeFish. BTW, it’s the only time you’ll EVER get anything other than Irish whiskey from my bastard self….Meet up at SFN ’08. Wear a mask, for chrissakes. Who cares!?!?!?!?!? Let’s coagulate!


  11. Odyssey Says:

    Treefish wrote:
    I will be wearing leather buttless chaps…
    Almost makes me glad I won’t be there.


  12. DrugMonkey Says:

    This link should take you to the Sunday program. Mostly socials scheduled for the evening and they start at 6:30. I gotta check with SekritAgent Julie McCoy on the venue front. If we’re close it won’t be a problem to cover your other obligations and still drop by.


  13. Arlenna Says:

    Hmmm I am not currently a neuroscientist, but since we are starting some project directions with neurons, I might be there someday… not this time though, I’m too late and it’s too early for me. Next time!


  14. I’ll be there in the evening. keep me posted.


  15. Ginny Says:

    count me in for sunday, too!


  16. bsci Says:

    Missed this thread earlier. I have no idea of my schedule yet, but I’ll try to stop by.


  17. Dr. Feelgood Says:

    I am available whenever. I am throwing my lab dinner on monday from 6-9PM. Other than that I would be super happy to meet anywhere…As long as its somewhere far from the convention center….Dupont,G-town, Adams Morgan maybe…. way better than convention fodder.
    I personally move for using the “Science Club” at 1136 19th Street NW in the Dupontish Circley zone:
    Whats better than a place called the Science Club?
    Dr. F.


  18. Dr. Feelgood Says:

    Hey DM,
    Hey…wasnt Julie McCoy a [gender-insensitive reference to drug abuse problem removed by DM]? I think she would fit in fabulously in DC.
    Dr F


  19. DrugMonkey Says:

    Okay, we’re a week out and I say we’re a “go” for meetup as i have a bunch of interested party emails in the mailbox. Sunday the 16th is a decent day for most, including the non-SFN locals. Send me an email if you want to be notified where/when, not sure I’m going to post it. if I do it will be at the last minute.
    In terms of timeslots you can also send me your details and preferences. The biggest category of workaround will be the ~6:30-8:30 SFN mixer/socials so I am going to try to shoot for something that is within relatively easy distance of the Ren Washington


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